
你需要加薪吗? 提出这种要求可能会比较棘手,而且你的处理方法可以影响最终的结果。  事业教练的主教练 Ros Toynbee 对此提供了一些最佳技巧。


你没得到加薪是因为你在目前的工作岗位上已经很久了, 如果你展示出对业务比目前的岗位更高的价值,就会得到加薪。  如果你能将其量化,包括足够的节约以及增加的收入,那就更好了。 但并非每个工作都能做如此描述。 所以关键是要显示出你为公司带来的价值。 将这些写下来,再配上内部和外部客户给你的赞扬邮件,说明你给他们带来的价值,然后作为支撑性材料给老板看。


将自己放在老板的位置上; 他或它担心的是什么?最明显的可能是预算以及上层人士的看法。 把你能想到的反对意见都列出来,然后列出你的回答。


预先告诉他们你需要进行私密的,安排好时间的谈话。 在开放式办公室里,随时会有各种打扰的临时会面是你所不希望看到的。 最好的时机是你刚刚给客户带来惊喜,或者你的老板刚说你做的有多么好。  如果能借如此东风,你必能夺取有利位置。


一旦决定好了你的商务提案,就坚持到底。第一步先把上述证据给老板看,他们需要转给需要的控制预算的人。 回答反对性问题时,充满自信地看着他们,因为他们是在测试你。 直视他们的眼睛,双脚平放,不要交叉双腿,衣着要恰当。对话是关于可能性的,对他们说的内容保持开放心态。 

5.不要只看‘不’ 的表面意思

‘不行’可能只是说‘现在不行。’,如果对方说‘不行’, 微笑着问对方,‘那么,下次怎样才能是’同意‘呢?’ 然后要求定下讨论这个的时间。 让他们知道你是认真的。 即使下次还是‘不行’, 随后再不说‘同意‘ 就会变得很难了。 不要让一个‘不行’困扰你, 实际上,最初就要预期这个回答,这样你就能保持坚强和自信。


女性更容易倾向于看低自己,而这可不是个好策略。 如果你认为自己每年应多得1千镑,那就要求2千镑。 比你自己认为舒服的再多要求一些,这样如果你真的得到了1千镑,就达到目标啦。


准备一个B计划。 假设你的加薪要求被拒绝了,那能否得到些奖金呢?有时公司更愿意发放一次性奖金,这样就不需要计入下一年的预算。 或者你可以改变职务名称? 思考一下备用计划,准备好进行讨论。 你不想说的话是,‘如果我得不到这次加薪,我就要离开。因为如果你做出这种威胁,可能会发现自己将处于不得不这样做的境地。。。


1 Make a business case for getting your salary reviewed

You don’t get a payrise just because you’ve been in your role a long time, you get a payrise because you demonstrate value to the business over and above what is expected of your job role. If you are able to quantify it, so much the better; in terms of saving sufficiency and income earned. But not every job is like that. So it’s about showing what value you have brought to the business. Put that together in writing, alongside emails from internal or external customers saying how amazing you’ve been, and the value that you have given to them, and present this to your boss to support your case.

2 Prepare answers to likely questions and objections

Put yourself in your boss’s shoes; what is he or she going to be worried about? Budget, and how it looks to the people above, might be the obvious ones. Make a list of all the objections that you think your manager would have, then write a list of all the things you could say to reassure them.

3 Pick the right time to speak to your boss

Give them a heads-up that this has got to be a private, scheduled conversation. The last thing you want is an ad-hoc meeting in an open-plan office with a million distractions. A great time is after you’ve just wowed that client, or your boss has been saying how amazing you’ve been. If you can ride on the back of a positive wave, that will stand you in good stead.

4 Take control of the meeting  

Having set out what your business case is, talk it through; give your boss the pieces of mentioned evidence in step one that they will need to take to whoever controls the budget. Look at them confidently when answering to their objections, because they are testing you. Look them square in the eye, sit upright, keep your feet flat on the floor, don’t cross your legs, and be dressed appropriately. Have a conversation about what’s possible, and be open to discuss what they have to say.

5 Don’t take a ‘no’ at face value  

A ‘no’ might be a ‘no, not right this minute’, so if it is a ‘no’, ask with a smile, ‘OK, what would make it a “yes” next time?’ and ask for a time to review this. Let them know you are serious about this. Even if it’s a ‘no’ next time, it becomes increasingly hard not to say ‘yes’ on subsequent occasions. Don’t let a ‘no’ faze you – in fact, almost expect a ‘no’ initially, and that way, you’ll stay strong and confident.

6 Ask for more money than you think you’ll probably get.

Women in particular tend to do themselves down and that’s not a helpful strategy. If you think you deserve an extra £1,000 a year, ask for £2,000. Ask for more than feels comfortable for you to ask for, then if you do get £1,000, mission accomplished!


Have a plan B. You’ve been turned down for a payrise, but can you get a bonus? Sometimes it’s easier for organisations to give a one-off bonus that they don’t have to factor into next year’s budgets. Or could you get a change in job title? Have a think about a back-up plan and be willing to discuss it. What you don’t want to do is say, ‘If I don’t get this payrise, I’m going to walk’, because if you make a threat like that, you might find yourself in a position where you have to carry it out…


